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Currently reading

The Sea of Monsters
Rick Riordan
Paladin of Souls
Lois McMaster Bujold
Batman: The Night of the Owls
Scott Snyder, Judd Winick, Justin Gray, David Finch, Peter J. Tomasi, Pat Gleason, Tony S. Daniel, Scott Lobdell, Duane Swierczynski, J.H. Williams III, Jimmy Palmiotti
Nightwing, Vol. 2: Night of the Owls
Kyle Higgins, Eddy Barrows, Ruy Jose

Batman Under the Hood Volume Two: 2 (Batman Beyond (DC Comics))

Batman: Under the Hood Vol. 2 - Judd Winick, Doug Mahnke, Shane Davis, Eric Battle Still a bit disappointed, but at least this volume was far less kitschy than volume one. The storytelling found its footing a bit better in this one.