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The Sea of Monsters
Rick Riordan
Paladin of Souls
Lois McMaster Bujold
Batman: The Night of the Owls
Scott Snyder, Judd Winick, Justin Gray, David Finch, Peter J. Tomasi, Pat Gleason, Tony S. Daniel, Scott Lobdell, Duane Swierczynski, J.H. Williams III, Jimmy Palmiotti
Nightwing, Vol. 2: Night of the Owls
Kyle Higgins, Eddy Barrows, Ruy Jose
The Burnt Orange Sunrise: A Berger and Mitry Mystery - David Handler Can't say that this one is my favorite. I love this series, but as with book #3 in this series, it was kind of predictable from the minute the whole cast of players was introduced what was going on despite Handler's best efforts to make everyone appear to have a motive. Despite that, though, I still love Handler's characters and the flair he gives them. Still, I was more interested in learning what was to become of Mitch and Des' relationship since they were obviously on different planets (Mitch wanting to move forward and Des thinking Mitch wants to break up with her). I wish there had been more on what's going on with the two of them, but this is a mystery series before it's a romance series. I was glad to see Handler using a little less sista-girl talk in this book. It always seems so unnatural when Des talks to anyone like that who isn't Yolie or Soave because of the upper crust picture that Handler has painted of Dorset's residents. Even though I wasn't blown away by this one, I can't wait to get the next book and see what becomes of my favorite mystery duo.